Spent much of the weekend trying to crossreference which points I had on which cards and which "points" Samantha had on her cards followed by which hotels, in which areas would accept "points"? I became cross-eyed and had to make myself a poster to serve as my guide to which hotel did what etc. Yes, I took a picture of my poster. Man, I am truly obsessed! I have narrowed down my search to:
1. Meritage Resort Napa http://www.themeritageresort.com/
2. Napa Valley Marriott Hotel http://www.napavalleymarriott.com/
3. Lodge at Renaissance Marriott Sonoma http://www.thelodgeatsonoma.com/
4. Hyatt Vineyard Santa Rosa http://www.vineyardcreek.hyatt.com/
5. Hilton Sonoma Wine Country Santa Rosa www1.hilton.com/...Hilton-Sonoma-Wine-Country
6. Marriott Santa Rosa www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/stscy-courtyard-santa-rosa
Will have to chose today and get this part of our trip booked. Hotels seem to be the first challenge in this trip; possibly if I were not trying to get our stay FREE, it wouldn't be! I am also trying to find a way to meander over to the coast to Timber Cove around Jenner
The photos sucked me in and I really want to do some photography around there. I may have to convince Sam to give it a whirl :-)
Last post for today...
Taste of the Place-Week 1
2006 Cab from Rombauer Vineyards:
The overall score for the Wynns=7
Interesting that my score was an 8 but I dropped it by 1 point because the cost was higher than I prefer for a bottle of wine on a casual Friday. Since it was the kick-off weekend of my new 10 week planning journey **Taste of the Place**, the cost of $38 may have been worth it...I did enjoy it!
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